I feel sometimes like I'm back in college. Life in college was very cyclical. You had very definite beginnings and very definite endings, beginnings and ends of semesters and classes and activities. There was the excitement of the first day and overwhelming joy as you walked out of that last final, along with some relief that you actually made it through. And then there's the part about 3/4 of the way through where both of those joys and excitements don't play into your daily life, but you just are walking daily to learn more or get work done. I feel like that's where we are...at the 3/4 mark. In the EMI Latin American office, we have intern and project cycles. Three times a year, we have new interns come in and with each semester comes new projects where the team members serve the Lord and help to spread the gospel through their professional design and engineering skills. You have the relief and joy when the final project report is completed and sent off, knowing that you have fulfilled a divine purpose and have served the Lord with your life and skills. Then, some weeks, somewhere in this 3/4 point of the semester, you're just living daily to serve the Lord, trying to get work done and move towards the completion of projects. We praise the Lord for the opportunity to serve him. We praise him for the excitement that comes with the fresh faces of new interns and new projects and look forward expectantly to the finality of the project and the sad goodbyes to the interns (and time with family to celebrate Christmas!). But in this moment, we are simply praying for continued daily perseverance, motivation and encouragement. Praise the Lord that He is always with us!

With Fall interns at Host Family Appreciation Party
Duke with our 11-month great dane Duke

With Fall interns at Host Family Appreciation Party
Duke with our 11-month great dane Duke
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