My, my, my has it been a long time since our last post. This Spring was so incredibly full of amazing experiences, both in ministry and personally. We were able to do so much ministry together as well as have multiple experiences with family that were just incredible. I would also describe this spring as a traveling season. We, I, he, she traveled A LOT!!! Every 4-6 weeks, there was some type of traveling to do, from busing it from Costa Rica up through Nicaragua and El Salvador to Guatemala to travels to see family near and far. Finally, we are able to say we are home, sweet, home for a little while. In May, we also moved into a new home. During the time Josh's mom lived in Costa Rica, she lived in a small house at the end of the driveway of the house we had lived in since moving to Atenas. When she moved, we made the decision to move from our house to the house she had lived in. We felt it was a blessing, and now wish we had lived here earlier. Although a smaller house, the living spaces are more open. The house feels like it just fits us perfectly...although we are dog sitting a friend's great dane right now and it's been some growing pains of fitting 2 people and 2 great danes all in this small house. Overall, we love it, and feel so blessed to have something that fits us so well, and is 1/2 the monthly rent. One of my favorite things about the house also is that we live so close to our landlords. Our landlords live in a house that is about 40 yards from our house, and their entire family live in houses on the property also. It is as though we have been inducted into a communal family living environment. It is not full on family living as they give us privacy. But, it is so sweet when our landlord brings over queso tortillas that she just made or comes over, as she did this morning, to teach me how she makes beans. I am really enjoying being connected to our neighbors and the family environment that we have moved into. Here are some pictures of our new house: